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How to Make a Home Office Soundproof

How to Make a Home Office Soundproof

If you’re working remotely, you probably realize how difficult it sometimes is to fully focus at home. With many distractions, such as noise, getting the work done is often significantly harder than it should be. In this situation, the solution is simple: get rid of what’s distracting you. The most tricky element to eliminate is the noise, but there are ways to make your workstation comfortably quiet. So, how to make a home office soundproof? We will answer this question below.

How to Soundproof Your Home Office? 8 Solutions

Soundwaves travel to your room through walls, windows, doors, and vents. If you desire to embrace peaceful working conditions, you need to undertake measures targeted at soundproofing these particular ideas. We have prepared a list of 8 solutions that may help you achieve the perfect work conditions at home. So, how can you soundproof your home office?

Soundproof Your Windows

When struggling with outdoor noise, the main culprit will be the windows. While each layer of glass provides an extra obstacle for the soundwaves, traditional windows are often insufficient to block all the disturbing sounds. How to soundproof the windows in your home office?

There are two popular options: soundproof curtains or window inserts. You could also try to replace your current windows with ones designed specifically for offices, however, this process would be much more expensive. To allow you a more conscious choice, we will explain the benefits and downsides of each of the three solutions:

  • Acoustic curtains – Frequently used for office soundproofing, they add another layer blocking the sound coming through the window. While they also come with a bonus, enhanced thermal insulation, they come with one major drawback. Using them requires covering the windows, thus significantly reducing the amount of sunlight falling into the room.
  • Window inserts – They are inexpensive, do not block the sunlight, and effectively reduce the noise coming from the outside.
  • Office windows – This may cost a small fortune, so we don’t really recommend it. Yet, we cannot lie that this solution combines the advantages of the previous two – free flow of sunlight, excellent sound-blocking capabilities, and thermal insulation.

Soundproof Your Walls

If you are living in an apartment and have loud neighbors, or if your roommates or family just cannot keep it down during your office hours, you should consider soundproofing your walls. How can you do that?

The options vary – you may select a professional solution or introduce less effective (but still helpful) measures that will not affect your home office’s decor. What we propose are:

  • Acoustic panels – Designed with sound absorption in mind, acoustic panels are an excellent choice. While ordering them, pay attention to the NRC or SAA score – the higher, the better they absorb the sound.
  • Soft wall hangings – Ornamental rugs may also decrease the amount of noise reaching your room. They will not be as effective as acoustic panels, yet they make it up with their decorative qualities and lower price.
  • Fill the gaps – Every gap is a potential gateway for unwanted noise, yet you may find them in many walls. Check around the sockets, find any drilled holes, and fill them with an acoustic sealant. It is a simple but effective way to decrease the noise level in a room.

Soundproof Your Door

Even the door type is crucial when ensuring that no unwanted noise reaches your workspace. How to soundproof this element of your home office?

  • Invest in a solid door – Hollow-core doors, the most popular solution for houses currently, are inefficient in terms of blocking soundwaves. Solid doors make a significantly better barrier, therefore a switch might be the best option. However, bear in mind that this might be expensive.
  • Equip your door with a door sweep – We have mentioned holes being the culprit in the section on soundproofing walls, but the gaps are also present below the door. By installing a door sweep, you cover them, thus reducing the noise coming from the room next to you and boosting thermal insulation in your home office.

How to Soundproof Your Home Office? An Alternative

If you feel that all the efforts and measures required to fully soundproof your home office are too much, there is a different solution available – a home office pod. You don’t have to equip it with any additional elements to make a fully noise-resistant space, which makes it an excellent choice.

Additionally, a home pod usually comes with air conditioning and ventilation systems. Therefore, it may serve as the perfect workspace for boiling summer days. Its only downside is the size – it is large enough for you to sit comfortably but not to walk around it. Yet, if you are in search of a dependable solution, a home office pod might be the alternative you need.

The Takeaway

How to make a home office soundproof? You have to add extra sound barriers to your windows, doors, and walls while eliminating any possible gaps. As an alternative, you might get a home pod. Whichever option you choose, make sure that you have the finest working conditions – it affects your well-being notably.

Did you find this article useful? Then you may also read: Acoustic Panels vs. Foam: Which is Better for Soundproofing?

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